
Self-restrictions towards supporting the national economy “The Investment sector as a model”

This article addresses the economic situation in Palestine especially the difficulties and obstacles facing the investment sector. The writer starts by discussing the obstacles in the Palestinian investment sector such as; depending on several currencies, the lack of economic and political stability, the poor import situation between Palestine and other countries, in addition to …

What should employers know once the Covid-10 epidemic is over

The article gives suggestions and action plans for employers on how to act once the epidemic is over. Once the epidemic is over all employers should face the real financial situation of their business and try to overcome it. Most businesses will have to deal with two aspects; the financial aspect which discusses how …

Companies options to overcome the effects of the Covid-19 crisis

This article discusses how to the covid-19 pandemic  affected businesses especially SMEs in Palestine. The writer gives advice to affected companies on how to mitigate their loses, and gives options to the management on how to keep their business going by provide enough cash flow .Amongst other options; the writer suggests making new partners …

The impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on lease contracts in Palestine

This Article discusses the legal impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on lease contracts in Palestine in particular. The writer differentiates between the case of emergency and force majeure and suggests the closest legal analysis for the situation in Palestine. Further the writer gives his opinion regarding the contractual obligations between the lessee and the lessor …

How to negotiate yourself a good deal

This article discusses the tricks and skills that needs to be implemented by the negotiator in order to obtain a good deal. The writer first differentiates between just striking  a deal for yourself and striking a great deal. The writer gives advice on how to act and prepare beforehand to obtain the best deal …