What should the partners consider when establishing a company in Palestine (Part 1)

What should the partners consider when establishing a company in Palestine (Part 1)

This article discusses things  partners should consider before choosing a company form. In Palestine the companies law for the year 1964 suffers from a lot of deficiencies regarding the obstacles that can face partners.  This lays a lot of responsibilities on the partners to choose the right form of company that confirms with their goals and to regulate their roles efficiently by agreements. The writer discusses the most chosen form of companies in Palestine and elaborates the reasons behind it. The writer further poses three questions on partners to help them decide their needs which are; if they want to build a company or  a partnership, who will run the company and what are the partners roles, the partners exist mechanism.  This article also focuses in particular on the differences between starting a company or a partnership and when to use each depending on the circumstances.