The Fiduciary Duty of Directors between US Law and the New Palestinian Companies Law
By: Bisan Nimer,
In this Article, Attorney Bisan Nimer, discusses the concept of fiduciary duty under US law, namely the fiduciary duty of directors towards the company and its shareholders …
Tag Along and Drag Along Rights in Shareholder Agreements under the Palestinian Legal Framework
By: Yara Abu Meizer,
In this Article, Attorney Yara Abu Meizer briefly discusses the concept of Tag along and Drag along rights that are usually stated in shareholders agreements. Attorney …
The Regulation of Foreign Companies under the new Companies’ law (Law by Decree (42) of 2021)
By: Suhaib Sharif,
in this article, attorney Suhaib Sharif, discusses the available options for foreign companies willing to conduct their business in Palestine under the newly adopted Palestinian Companies law. …